Puppy Yoga – Harvest Farm Fall Festival 2019
The Original Puppy Yoga of Northern Colorado!!
Tickets go on sale Friday, September 20th at 3pm!
Practice your puppy pose…with puppies!
This unique class will be at Harvest Farm, a 100-acre farm located in Wellington, Colorado, provides the opportunity for up to 72 men to achieve self-sufficiency through the New Life Program. For many men coming out of homelessness and addiction, the Farm’s fresh air, rural environment, unique work therapy opportunities, and location away from the city’s temptations provide an ideal place to refocus and begin anew. Help support Bounce Animal Rescue and Harvest Farm by participating in puppy yoga! Bounce will be bringing puppies to roam throughout this all-levels yoga class. This class is a great way for puppies to have their first social experience and a way for the men at Harvest Farm to volunteer and interact with the community.
Ticketed attendees of this unique puppy yoga class will also get entrance to the Fall Festival and all of the attractions including a 10 acre Colorado themed corn maze!!
The proceeds from this class will be split 50/50 with Bounce Animal Rescue and Harvest Farm!
Due to the possibility for a few puppy accidents, bring a mat you are able to to clean. Class will take place in the barn which has a concrete floor.
After class, Bounce Animal Rescue will join the rest of the Festival and have an open to the public Puppy Meet & Greet from 2-3pm! This is a great way for Fall Harvest Festival Attendees to meet the puppies and get to know about Bounce Animal Rescue.
Space is limited so you must purchase your ticket ahead of time. Tickets for the Puppy Yoga class will not be sold at the door. The puppy yoga ticket includes admission to the Fall Harvest Festival for the day. Must be 14+ to attend event, if under 18 must attend event with an adult. With each eventbrite order, you can only purchase up to 4 tickets at a time. Refunds can be given up to a day before the event. I do not accept re-sold tickets so please do not buy tickets from others.
Let’s get down, dog!