2019 Financial Statements

Below you will find the final Balance Sheet and Financial Statements from 2019: Balance Sheet 2019 Financial Statement 2019
Success Story: Kraken

Success Story: Kraken

Nothing chops our chaps more than individuals that does harm to animals. (Slow drivers in the fast lane, individuals that don’t say ‘thank you’ when the door is opened for them, and shopping carts left in the middle of the parking lot are close runners-up.) Today, we...
Success Story: Kit

Success Story: Kit

Meet Kit! She was a pregnant mom on the euthanasia list from a northern Texas kill-shelter. Unfortunately, it’s quite common for pregnant or nursing dogs to land on the euthanasia list due to the lack of shelter space and resources. Sadly, it’s not uncommon for...
Success Story: Noel

Success Story: Noel

Noel was first seen in a neighborhood, often eating out of garbage cans and drinking street water to survive. She was terrified and used the little energy she had to hide from people. By the time Noel was captured, she was so weak that she couldn’t stand up. She...